Published inCreative NightsThe Universal Search SolutionsThe universal search has been having its comeback in recent years, especially for complex organizations with disjointed web properties and…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Published inCreative NightsUX Design Student Portfolio Improvement TipsAfter spending an inspiring day at the UC Davis Design Career Day with William Mead’s UX and interaction design undergraduates, I thought…Feb 6, 20211Feb 6, 20211
Published inSymSoft Solutions8 tips to maximize the design test insights by taking care of the basic design patternsAs we previously established, including customers really is a key component of user-centered design that leads to better performing…Feb 22, 2018Feb 22, 2018
Published inSymSoft SolutionsValidating aesthetics in a web design projectMany current design research methods can help teams and organizations to successfully validate interaction, the usability of user…Feb 13, 20181Feb 13, 20181
Published inSymSoft SolutionsThree examples of improved results after including customers in a website redesign processIt’s no secret that the high performing website redesigns come with a lot of moving parts. More so in the enterprise-level projects with a…Feb 5, 2018Feb 5, 2018
Published inSymSoft SolutionsTools for testing accessibility compliance on the WebDesigning and developing governmental websites means keeping one eye on accessibility at all times. We’d argue that this should be the case…Feb 1, 2018Feb 1, 2018
Published inCreative NightsUse Project Policies as Creative Limitations to Improve the End User Experience (Part 2)This is Part 2 of our article on how to use project policies as creative limiations . In Part 1 we presented the first 3 of 8 effective…Oct 25, 2016Oct 25, 2016
Published inCreative NightsThree things procurement departments care aboutWorking with any company as a supplier (or vendor) the likelihood is that at some stage you’ll encounter some form of procurement process…Oct 17, 2016Oct 17, 2016
Published inCreative NightsUX Design for Startups — Improve your Product’s UX in One Day, Part 2This is Part 2 of our article on how startups can improve a product’s UX in one day! In Part 1 we presented the first 3 of 7 effective…Oct 11, 2016Oct 11, 2016
Published inTypetesterMVP doesn’t mean half-doneEstablishing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a common strategy used by startups and large organizations alike for avoiding lengthy and…Oct 10, 20163Oct 10, 20163